- Client: Ontario School District
- Size: $18.5 Million Dollar Bond
Project Description
CM Company was retained by the Ontario School District in August of 2010 to act as the Owner’s Representative for the newly passed 18.5 million dollar bond for Building improvements. As a part of our services we met with the district, community members and school staff to establish the needs of each project, then assembled budgets based on the criteria presented by the vaious entities. Out of these meetings the district established the following list of projects as the prority to be completed with the bond funding.
Ontario Middle School
- Construct a 39,672 sf, 2-story middle school addition on an occupied campus
- Demolish 2 existing concrete structures on the campus once the addition was complete
- Replace the water line within the existing Discovery building.
- Re-roof the existing Tiger Gym Building
- Relocate Library from Enterprise buidling to Discovery building.
Ontario High School
- Construct a new 16,000 sf Science Wing addition
- Provide new Mechanical System for Existing High School and Vo-Tech Building
- Replace Doors and Hardware on existing school
- Upgrade existing Fire Alarm System
- Provide new Electrical Distribution panels
Aiken Elementary School
- Build new parent/student pick up and drop off, improving safety of the students and staff
May Roberts Elementary School
- Build new parent/student pick up and drop off, improving safety of the students and staff
Alameda Elementary
- Provide cooling units for server rooms
- Add Power and Data to all classrooms and administration areas.
- Update all doors/hardware to meet new ADA and security standards.
Cairo Elementary
- Replace Windows on North Side of building
- Update all doors/hardware to meet new ADA and security standards
- Add new power and data outlets throughout all classrom and administration areas.
Pioneer Elementary
- Update all doors/hardware to new ADA and security standards.
- New power and data outlets throughout all classroom and administration areas.
CM Company’s role as Owner’s Representative included, but are not limited to the following responsibilities:
- Budget, bid, track actual costs and contingencies for all projects.
- Procure and negotiate all design and construction team contracts.
- Held community meetings throughout various phases of programming and construction to keep the constituents informed.
- Held seminar for local contractors to help them qualify for construction projects.
- Met with the “District’s Owners team” and “Citizens Oversight Committee” on a weekly basis to review options and gain approval on the approach to proceed.
- Develop a Master Budget for each project and the bond as a whole and provded monthly update to the Owner’s Team.
- Give monthly reports to the School Board.
- Provide Construction Management Services on all construction projects.
Being an owners representative has given CM Company the experience managinag a bond from the owner’s perspective. Because of this we have extensive knowledge of the issues a district will face, including furniture, fixtures and equipment, negotiating with government agencies on permitting requirements, easements, and tracking all bond dollars spent to ensure the projects do not exceed the available funding.